Thursday, September 20, 2012

Walk in a new town.

September 19, Lyons.

Night jump again last night, Chicago traffic oblige, and the kids are all over the place until the second they fall asleep, the second I hit the road.
New town, right next to Berwyn, where we were a week ago, and it seems an eternity, the way time flies when you are in the circus and moving all the time, or maybe just the way time flies. 
A good day in a new town, right next to Chicago and you can see the skyline in the distance, tantalizingly close, a heavy Latino presence, working class neighborhood or is it middle class but isn't the same? of small, neatly kept brick homes, we walked through the neighborhood to go to the library nearby, and Dylan stopped us to watch a large black beetle escaping into the sidewalk grass to safety, and I almost stepped on it, Mom!, it was a good day, even if practice was a little tense with Dylan easily distracted and Fridman easily frustrated.

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