Sunday, May 22, 2011

Old news and a pig.

May 22, Old Washington.

About ten days ago Gordo was hit in the eye; he was walking by as Buckner was cleaning a BB gun and it went off. The plastic pellet cut through the first layers of Gordo's eye and he couldn't work the entire week, but luckily the wound didn't leave a scar and he has fully recovered.
Father Notter came and went, with a mass and some help with his truck in between.
At the country market the other day Ryan bought a pig.
By way of an explanation he says that's what you get for being a clown, a license to act like an idiot. I say that's what you get for being a clown, a license to get a pig and get away with it. He already started to train Chancho, as the pig has been baptized, with amazing results. And I'm trying to convince him (Ryan, not Chancho,) to let me use him (Chancho, not Ryan,) as the circus' first official fresh vegetables and fruits composting center.

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