Thursday, February 10, 2011

My mother's bedding in the afternoon.

February 9, Saint-Ismier.

Again, Dylan's eye.


Natalie said...

Hi Valerie! Just been thinking about you and hope you are well! Check out my's I put a link to your blog on mine...I only just started it a few days ago. Let me know what you think!
Love to the kids!

Valérie Berta said...

Same on this side: been thinking a lot about you lately, with the beginning of the Kelly Miller season... Wanted to write but didn't want to intrude; even though I'm far from the US (won't come back until March) you are always in my thoughts.
Glad to know you're blogging! I'll check it out (my username on most web pages I suscribe to is circusmom...!)
We are all sick, literally living in doctors' offices, and Dylan has had me worried sick but fortunately the health care system here is much more affordable, even though I pay full price, and flexible, so that takes a lot of the stress out.
Love to the bears,