Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A trailer with a view.

October 6, Mt Sterling, Illinois (49 miles, fairgrounds.)


Unknown said...

I've admired your blog for some time - I consider it to be one of the great treasures of the internet. You were recently in Marseilles, within a few miles of my home in Morris. I visited the Circus site in the hopes of saying hello, but made the astonishingly ill conceived mistake of bringing my whippet puppy with me - she thrives on attention - which obviously limited my movement around the site. Their was a gale force wind and well . . . I hope to meet you some other time.

By the way, the odd sign outside of Carthage about it's famous jail references the fact that Joseph Smith, the prophet and founder of the Mormon church, was removed from the jail and shot by the local town's people, who took exception to his predilection for serial marriage to young girls.

Your documentation of the slice of life that is a traveling circus is magnificent. Best wishes and keep up the great work.

Valérie Berta Torales said...

Thank you so much!
Yes, I discovered the story of the jail when the kids and I maneuvered our way to town (Carthage just doesn't do sidewalks.) I still couldn't resist the barb, and let the writing take over the facts...
There was a wonderful farmers' market in Carthage, with only six vendors, but the first time I'd seen real-looking veggies in a long long time, warts and dirt all the original good stuff included.
One last thing: it's always a good idea not to take pets to the circus, as you've discovered ;-)