Wednesday, January 21, 2009


January 20, Ft Myers.

On the way back we drove to Miami Beach to see the Art Deco district, an old yearning of mine since studying American architecture in college, and then stopped to see our friend Eugene before heading home.
Eugene, from Russia, trained at a circus school and specialized as an animal tamer. Now retired from the circus he opened a circus arts school and seems to be doing well, even though business is slow these days. He is the center's owner, manager and sole teacher. A lot of my students' parents have lost their job, he said. I always work, I work every day, this is my business.
The last time we saw him Dylan was a newborn, and Nicolas not even envisioned. Time flies, he said, look at them.
Look at you, Eugene, just two years into retirement, risking, trusting, thriving in a wrecked economy.


The Shadow said...

I grew up near Jacksonville, Illinois and learned of your blog from an online article in the Jacksonville paper.

Your note on the fable about the ring for both good times and bad inspired me to write.

Your website is a joy, my favorite site for thoughtful slices of life. I check it out every few weeks to get a glimpse into a world of creativity, introspection, and worldly compassion.

Creativity, figuratively or literally is, of course, our reason for being. I would be honored if you checked out some of my creative musings at

Keep the faith . . . and the muse.

Valérie Berta Torales said...

The honor is mine to receive such graceful comments.
Good to have you on board. I'll check out your site.
Thank you again, and may we meet along the road.