Friday, September 12, 2008

Lies, lies, lies.

September 12, Elmhurst.

Against all my political nature I used to like John McCain. I thought he was worthy of respect, somebody who had true standards of integrity. I should have known better.
In the past two weeks, since he came out with his choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate, I've become appalled at what The New York Times columnist Paul Krugman today rightly called the "blizzard of lies" that the McCain campaign has orchestrated. Krugman is bleak in his view of a McCain presidency in the light of this turn of events in the campaign; it is hard not to agree with him, and not to be dismayed at the amount of lies people are willing to gobble wholeheartedly.
To me this goes together with the rise of self-styled pseudo-journalism on the internet and its twin, the fallacy most people seem to hold now that you can get good information without professional journalists, or worse, that you can do without a professional press altogether.

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